Millionforest org about

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百万森林 » 捐赠人, 捐树, 时间, 捐赠方式. 许童蒙, 24棵, 2017/11/30 11:28:47, 支付宝. 刘慧红, 5 棵, 2017/11/29 23:20:23, 支付宝. 伊丽纳兹・艾山江, 1棵, 2017/11/29 17:12:18, 支付宝. 伊力亚斯・艾山江, 1棵, 2017/11/29 17:09:35, 支付宝. 小米桑, 1棵, 2017/11/ 29 13:39:21, 支付宝. 春芝堂正能量系统, 10棵, 2017/11/28 14:28:15, 支付宝.

Ghana Secures $50 Million for Forest Investment Plan, Based On ... » The World Bank endorsed Ghana's [Forest Investment Plan](http://www. FINAL_Version_Ghana_FIP_PRESENTATION.pdf) in November 2012, approving a $50 million package that can restore forests, improve the country's water supply, and provide better...

百万森林 » 气候变化的原因. 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)分别于1990、1995和2001年 完成了三次全球气候变化评估报告。第一次评估报告指出近百年全球平均地面气温升 高了0.3~0.6℃、海平面升高0.1~0.2米,并指出上述增温幅度与气候模式预测的结果 一致。IPCC第二、三次评估报告都指出有明显证据可以检测出人类活动对气候的...

Enviva Launches $5 Million Forest Conservation Fund - Enviva ... » Dec 10, 2015 ...Enviva Launches $5 Million Forest Conservation Fund. Press Release. Comprehensive Initiative to Protect Sensitive Bottomland ....the health and vitality of the nation's working forests and forest-reliant communities. To learn more about the Endowment, please visit our website at

Wildlife and protected area management » Aug 9, 2011 ...In Central Africa, an estimated 579 million forest mammals are consumed annually – up to 5 million tonnes of dressed bushmeat. In East and Southeast Asia, the severity of the problem is related to high human population densities, a long tradition of consuming wildlife products for medicinal use and the...

百万森林 » 你一定对近几年来的气候变化深有体会吧?例如在我住的北京,2014年的冬天,就下 了一场小小的雪,像撒在地上的一层盐,很快也就化了。 气候变暖是一个全球性的 环境问题,原因是大气中的二氧化碳等温室气体增多,使得温室效应增强,这样一来, 我们就像盖了一层大棉被。 气候变暖的一个很直接的结果,就是让一些生态脆弱地区 ...

What We Do | Climate Investment Funds » The $775 million Forest Investment Program (FIP) supports efforts of developing countries to reduce deforestation and forest degradation and promote sustainable forest management that leads to emissions' reductions and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+). Investing in Mexico's ambitious forest and climate...

California Drought Killed 12 Million Forest Trees Since Last Year ... » May 4, 2015 ...This aerial view shows Jeffrey pine and oak mortality in the Cleveland National Forest in San Diego County, April 2015. Audio. Aired 5/4/15. In San Diego County, 82,528 trees, mostly Jeffrey pines across Mt. Laguna, have succumbed to a lack of rainfall, with many more struggling to survive. An estimated...

百万森林 » 首页 关于我们 我们的项目 项目进展 新闻动态 联系我们 我要捐款. 新闻动态更多 > · 交易闲置便是抵抗荒漠!转转APP加入中国绿化基金会“百万森林计划” · 2017 “厦门 马拉松爱心林”种树·植心分享会 · 摩拜与中国绿化基金会战略合作启动“摩拜森林” 公益行动 · 然健环球助力百万森林捐种万株“然健林”绿化地球 · 4·22世界地球日:超 350...

History | CWS » Over four years, using more than 5 million human-days of volunteer labor, some 20 million forest and fruit trees were planted to anchor the soil against nature's persistent erosion. In India, CWS helped countless villages construct reservoirs, dig wells, and lay irrigation systems. The result: “drought insurance” and improved...


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