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新华字典在线查字_家长帮字典 » 字典在线查字由家长帮提供,内容包含所有文字的新华字典、康熙字典解释和组词等 相关内容,是中国最好的在线汉语字典平台。

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Xinhua Zidian (11th. Ed) - Nan Hai Books » The “Xinhua Dictionary” has been popular for years as the best small, inexpensive, Chinese-only dictionary around. This bilingual edition, featuring full English translations, is sure to be as popular with Chinese language students.

meaning - What does 九洚mean? - Chinese Language Stack ... » It pronounces féng. 浲 部首:氵部拼音: féng 注音:ㄈㄥ笔画:10笔郑码:vrCI 四角号码: 37154 笔顺编号:4413541112. 基本字义浲féng 古同“漨”,水名。 浲hóng 大水。 笔画数:10; 部首:氵; 笔顺编号: 4413541112...

【钅字旁的字】_在线字典_金字旁的字有哪些_金字边 » 【钅字旁的字】_在线字典_金字旁的字有哪些_金字边字头的字有:

Ying Hua | Cornell College of Human Ecology » Ying Hua. placeholder. Ying. Hua. Associate Professor/Director of Undergraduate Studies. 3421 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall. Ithaca, New York. Design + Environmental Analysis. Phone. (607) 254-6415. Fax. (607) 255-0305. Email. [email protected]...

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ON-ED | ONline EDucation » 12 results ...ON-ED is a marketplace for premium online courses. More than 500 pre-made courses, webinars and live courses.

word requests - Meaning of 蟗 (qiū) - Chinese Language Stack ... » 次蟗 means spider and it is not commonly (very very rarely) used in modern Chinese. Source:蟗&tupu=01 · http://zidian. ·


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