Facebook sharer url pagina

Atz's top search results for the words: "facebook sharer url pagina"

social networking - How to clear Facebook Sharer cache? - Stack ... » Mar 10, 2011 ...I found a solution to my problem. You could go to this site: https://developers. facebook.com/tools/debug ...then put in the URL of the page you want to share, and click "debug". It will automatically extract all the info on your meta tags and also clear the cache. Stackoverflow.com

How do I customize Facebook's sharer.php - Stack Overflow » Sep 22, 2012 ...What you are talking about is the preview image and text that Facebook extracts when you share a link. Facebook uses the Open Graph Protocol to get this data. Essentially, all you'll have to do is place these og:meta tags on the URL that you want to share - <meta property="og:title" content="The Rock"/>... Stackoverflow.com

bradvin/social-share-urls » Argument, Description, Used By. {url}, The url you want to share (encoded), All. { img}, The image/thumbnail to use when sharing, Most. {title}, The page title of the url you want to share, Most. {desc}, A longer description of the content you are sharing, Most. {app_id}, The App ID, Facebook. {redirect_url}, The url a sharer will... Github.com

Setting the URL & Title to Share » To define the URL, title, and image (only for certain services, i.e. Facebook and Pinterest) to share, you do it in one of four ways. For our newest tools, use the data-url , data-title , data-description , and data-media parameters, like this: <div class="addthis_sharing_toolbox" data-url="THE URL" data-title="THE TITLE"... Addthis.com

Share Link Generator: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn ... » Create Facebook share links, Twitter "tweet this" links, Google Plus share links, LinkedIn share links, Pinterest "pin this" links and email "mailto" links that will work anywhere — even inside emails! We're running old school here: no iframes or JavaScript required. Another tiny tool brought to you by Patrick St. John, who wants... Sharelinkgenerator.com

How to Share Webpages with Facebook ― Scotch » Oct 27, 2013 ...With my experience I provide this heads up: Use either the HTTP or HTTPS URL throughout the site consistency to ensure you don't come across any strange caching issues such as different OG information being shared. The Facebook Sharer only accepts one GET parameter, and that's u for the URL. Scotch.io

share url's for facebook, twitter, pinterest with just get variables ... » <ul>. <li class="share-text">Share this>/li>. <li class="share-tw"><a href="http:// twitter.com/share?text=[title]"><span></span></a></li>. <li class="share-fb"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=/node/[nid]&p=[title]"><span></ span></a></li>. <li class="share-pinterest"><a... Gist.github.com

Facebook's Sharer.php is no Longer Being "deprecated" (2014) » Jan 8, 2014 ...Facebook's sharer.php is officially back. Not that most people had stopped using it anyway! Along with the new Share button, you can safely use the sharer.php syntax to create a link that shares a URL on one's Facebook timeline. As there are still many articles/answers out there that have outdated answers... Joshuawinn.com

Compartir URLs en Facebook « Los Tiempos Cambian » 14 Nov 2012 ...Compartir una página web en Facebook es muy sencillo, tan sólo hay que llamar a la URL de share en el enlace mediante http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u =URL_PAGINA o incluso mediante los Social plugins con Send Button. Lo interesante es que en la URL compartida en Facebook salga con el... Lostiemposcambian.com

Upload & Share GIFs Online | GIPHY » Upload. Upload your GIF collection to share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, text message, email, and everywhere else. Drag and drop GIF files. or. Browse your GIF files. or. Copy and paste GIF URLs. Log in to upload multiple GIFs to your channel page. Reverse. Don't forget to rate your GIFs to help them reach even more... Giphy.com


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