Authors repec org
Atz's top search results for the words: "authors repec org"
Atz's top search results for the words: "authors repec org"
EconPapers: Authors registered with RePEc » Authors registered with RePEc. This page lists authors who have claimed Working Papers, Journal Articles or Software when registering in the RePEc Author Service. Persons who have not claimed any works are listed on a different page. Register yourself or update your registration in the RePEc Author Service.
Within Country and State Economics Rankings: Turkey | IDEAS/RePEc » Rank, W.Rank, Institution, Score, Authors, Author shares. 1, [2], İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Koç Üniversitesi. İstanbul, Turkey. 1.8, 16, 15.99. 2, [3], İktisat Bölümü, Bilkent Üniversitesi. Ankara, Turkey. 2.63, 26, 22. 3, [1], Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası. Ankara, Turkey. 2.93, 115, 108.71. ---, [---], İktisat Bölümü...
RePEc: new registration » Read about the service if you do not. This is not a search engine. If you want to search for papers and articles, please use EconPapers or IDEAS. If you want to create a bibliography of the works of other authors, use MyIDEAS (which requires you having an account here). If you already have an account and recently moved, ...
Authors | IDEAS/RePEc » There are two categories of people listed here. First, there are those who have registered with RePEc and identified themselves as authors by claiming to have written papers during the registration process. 51,547 such authors are listed below. Then, there are 13,766 people who have registered as well, but without...
Economist Rankings | IDEAS/RePEc » Only authors registered with the RePEc Author Service are considered. Only works listed on RePEc and claimed as theirs by registered authors are counted. A series of rankings by different criteria are aggregated. The average rank score is determined by taking a harmonic mean of the ranks in each criterion. For a list of...
Young Economist Rankings | IDEAS/RePEc » Same ranking by institutions, countries and regions, and more rankings for authors, including the criteria used here. The rankings. 5 years or less 10 years or less 15 years or less 20 years or less. Details. Top 200 Economists (10 years or less). Taken from a pool of 20086 economists whose first publication of any kind is 10...
RePEc: Login required » RePEc Author Service. Log in. email address: password: Forgot your password? Persistent login on this computer (via a browser cookie), Yes, remember me. ABOUT | FAQ | PRIVACY POLICY | EMAIL ADMINISTRATOR. ADMIN EMAIL: AUTHORS at REPEC dot ORG. | HOME | RePEc | PAGE TOP ^
RePEc Author Service » Are you a researcher in Economics or a related field? Create and maintain a public profile of your work. More about the service… Hosted by. Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. News. May 12, 2017: RePEc is 20 years old and reached 50,000 authors two days earlier. More. January 21, 2016:...
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics » CollEc, Rankings by co-authorship centrality for authors registered in the RePEc Author Service., Service to annotate RePEc papers in PDF and establish scientific relationships between papers. SPZ, An online workplace for researchers, tutors and students within the RePEc information space. Socionet, A ...
RePEc Genealogy » RePEc Genealogy. This project tries to document, within the field of economics, who was a student of whom, when and where. Whenever possible, links are made to profiles of authors on RePEc services such as EconPapers, EDIRC, and IDEAS. The data are collected through crowdsourcing, much like Wikipedia: anyone...
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